List Of Exempt Steel Products For 2018 Is Unchanged From 2017

The Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) has finally issued the list of machinery and equipment steel products which will be exempt for calendar year 2018 under the PA Steel Products Procurement Act.  The list was published in the Pa. Bulletin on Saturday, April 14, 2018, and can be found here. There were no new steel products added to the list. The 30-day comment period expires on May 14, 2018.

Each year DGS identifies specific steel products that have been recognized as not being produced in the U.S. in sufficient quantities to meet the previous year’s contract requirements. DGS uses the previous annual list and then adds steel products from ‘‘not domestically manufactured’’ forms submitted and approved by DGS during the previous calendar year. If you believe that an item should be added to the exempt list, you should inform DGS by submitting the necessary forms. Otherwise, DGS will have no way of knowing that it should add the item to the exempt list for 2019.

The DGS Steel Products Procurement Act page can be found here.

If you need assistance on an issue arising under the PA Steel Products Procurement Act, please call or email me for a no-cost consultation.  I’ll be happy to assist in anyway possible.

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